April 2022: Simple Reference to Previous Discussion Does Not Adequately Cover Orals Proposal Topic
Black Dog Technology LLC, Capture & Proposal Consultants
This article reviews the recently published protest decision Matter of: Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., B-419210.
The subject ID/IQ task order procurement was issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for systems and analysis program management support services.
The RFP stated that offerors’ proposals would be evaluated on the following four factors in descending order of importance: 1) Relevant Experience, 2) Oral Presentations, 3) Administrative Proposal and 4) Price. Booz Allen and Deloitte tied on factors 1 and 3; Deloitte scored higher than Booz Allen on factor 2, and Deloitte had a higher price than Booz Allen.
Among other protest grounds, Booz Allen (the incumbent) argued that the agency failed to adequately evaluate its transition out topic in the orals presentation. Winner: Deloitte ($50.4M). Booz Allen ($44.7M). Protest: denied.
The Black Dog best practice takeaways are:
· A statement, without further detail, that the transition out tasks are the same as the transition in tasks discussed previously is insufficient to cover a mandatory orals presentation topic
· An incumbent must thoroughly address the possibility of transitioning out at the end of the contract, however unlikely it thinks that occurrence may be (due to a severe case of “incumbentitis,” no doubt)
Black Dog’s business model is to be purposely small in number but broad in expertise across the capture and proposal spectrum. We carefully screen and choose our consultants from the best in industry. All are experienced leaders who have at least one advanced degree, and all can fill multiple roles according to our clients’ pursuit needs.
We look forward to working with your capture and proposal teams.